📄️ Aside
Aside is the top level provider component to integrate with the devtools.
📄️ Button
Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.
📄️ Carret
A carret icon.
📄️ Checkbox
Checkboxes can be used to turn an option on or off.
📄️ ConsoleMessage
Console messages allows you to display data like the Chrome console.
📄️ Devtools
The devtools component is used to connect to the browser extension devtools and setup the remote rendering bridge.
📄️ Divider
A horizontal or vertical separator.
📄️ Dropdown
Displays a menu to the user—such as a set of actions or functions—triggered by a button.
📄️ Icon
📄️ Image
A carret icon.
📄️ Link
📄️ Pane
📄️ Table
Tables display sets of data. They can be fully customized.
📄️ Tabs
Tabs make it easy to explore and switch between different views.
📄️ Text
📄️ TextField
Text fields let users enter and edit text.
📄️ View
The most fundamental component for building a UI. View is a container that supports layout through className, giving users access to most of tailwindcss's classes.